Space Report Essay, Research Paper Space and the technology to study space have improved rapidly over the years. Space travel also is a big deal in the way we get our sources for galaxies and nebulas. The Hubble Space Telescope has been the best way to get our information for everything from millions of light years away from Earth. Every waking moment of space information is information that could change the way we live. We achieve these goals by hiring men that are willing to give their lives for our benefit. These men spend days studying the moon, nebulas, galaxies, stars, and many other space creations. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon over 40 years ago, and he?s probably been the most influential person that our country has. Also ?Buzz? Aldren is a very popular space traveler that has ever been in space. We have come a long way since we have accomplished these achievements and we are growing fonder of space and its objects everyday. Space has always been my favorite subject because of the way it was created and everything that happens in it, but what really catches my interest is what?s beyond space. It might be endless, it might have an end, and it may be an everlasting part of god?s creation, only god knows. I hope that you will have, as much interest as I have in space, and I also hope you will share the wonders of this miraculous creation with me.
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