Legal And Illegal Essay Research Paper Ok

Legal And Illegal Essay, Research Paper Ok, there are 3 types of people that live in the country, Residents (both legal and illegal), citizens of the U.S., and Citizens of the United States of America. Residents are people who were born in another country, have not been naturalized, and have been domiciled here for 90 days. Legal Residents (also legal aliens) are the ones who came over on work, student, etc.. visa’s. Illegal Residents are here without the approval of our government and are sometimes referred to as illegal aliens. A citizen of the U.S. is someone who was born in the District of Columbia, a federal military base, or other U.S. territory such as Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.. These people have no enumerated rights under the Constitution, they have only the privileges granted to them by the 14th amendment. They live under exclusive legislative rule by the President of the U.S. They have no representatives or senators and are entirely at the mercy of the federal government. Also called a federal citizen. This type of citizenship is never capitalized when referred to because it is considered inferior to true Citizenship. A Citizen of the United States of America, is also known Constitutionally as a Citizen of the several States. This is a person who was born in one of the 50 states that make up the the U.S.A. These people have rights that are enumerated in the Constitution and can not have those rights taken away from them by the government. This is what the majority of the people living in the country today are; however, the previous type is what our government would like us to believe that we are so they can control us and strip us of our rights. They are doing a pretty good job of it too. They have overstepped there Constitutional bounds and have been dumbing down the country by tampering with our education system. They enforce laws not written for us by using federal law enforcement, which also has no jurisdiction over us. This is also how they trick us into legally agreeing to pay federal income tax. Very evil indeed. That is why I have taken it upon myself to try and point this out to as many people as possible. In every contest rules disclosure I have read so far they usually state “only legal residents of the United States are eligible”, and “odds are dependent on the number of eligible entries received”. According to the Constitution, Blacks legal dictionary, and every federal definition for citizenship that I have ever seen (including the IRS’s 10/40 booklet) that makes us people who were born free in a state not eligible to participate. That sounds like discrimination to me.