Economic crisis

The content and directionof globalization processes that have gained massive nature for the beginningof. The depth of current global financial crisis lay preconditions fundamentalchange in the strategy development of all entities (from micro to global), areaccompanied by restructuring the world economic space as a whole with changeeconomic centers of world development. At the same time increasing problem ofharmonious integration of the country and its regions in the global economicspace, as they relate to the world economy through a combination of externaland internal market. In this context, assessments of trends and features ofdevelopment in Ukraine makes it possible to assert the urgency of the tasks ofdirecting their spatial, organizational, functional, administrative, financial,institutional, investment and innovation transformations in an integratedmanner. Under these conditions, growing demand in the formation of an adequatetheory of regional development, justifying the revised methodology foranalyzing and deepening of regionalization actualizes the task of ensuringintegrated development of regions
Economic growth and salespotential of any economic system depends largely on how efficiently placed itsproductive forces. Account of specific territorial organization of theproductive forces in the practice of management to achieve significanteconomies of social labor, significantly improve the structural parameters ofthe economy and its main macro-and microeconomic indicators.
Improving the economicmechanism in Ukraine during the formation of a market economy is based oneconomic research, including in the field of productive forces. Comprehensiveanalysis of the processes occurring in the economic and social spheres ofsociety, deep scientific generalization promote the formulation of soundrecommendations for improving the territorial organization of production,including improvement of specialization and comprehensive accommodation areas,rationalization of production and territorial ties based on advanced exchange.Knowledge of the laws of productive forces and allows the complex to revealadditional sources of higher productivity, which has considerable importancefor predicting development of economy of Ukraine and its economic regions

1. The main problems ofproductive forces in Ukraine
Within Ukraine there is asignificant territorial differentiation of the spatial distribution ofpopulation and production facilities, which makes the problem ofrationalization of production. So, now the society spends huge sums ontransportation of raw materials, fuel and finished products due to theremoteness of the territorial elements of production (and this trend is veryclear). To improve the allocation of production, it is necessary to carry outprotyvytratnyh measures, including reduced transport costs. A significant rolewill be played and the rationalization of productive forces with regard to theecological validity of placing new production, optimization of intersectorallinks and more.
Methodological problems ofproductive forces is inseparable from their rational territorial organization,which is the basis of economic division. The last is based on territorialdivision of labor, which, in turn, is associated with production specializationand economic areas require strict proportionality of their development.
Radically change theconditions of the last two or three decades, accompanied by a significantexpansion of information resources, increased knowledge on the organization ofsocial and economic processes together with the deepening of regionalspecialization imposes requirements for the evaluation of comprehensivedevelopment of the region and requires proper evaluation of the transitionregion as a complex set of zobmezhenoyu phenomena, essential for learning orresearch of the complex, qualitative evaluation of its individual components tocomplete its comprehensive general characteristics that meet the objectives ofsustainable development. According to the evaluation criteria of comprehensiveregional development along with economic, social, environmental and criteriashould be balance, proportionality, stability, controllability. Real reflectionof institutional contradictions and problems is incomplete and secondaryemployment, poor flow of labor reallocation between sectors of economicactivity, the practice of granting administrative leave due to low capacityutilization, territorial uncontrolled circulation of labor. In regions ofUkraine growth in total labor turnover and labor mobility observed uAvtonomniyRepublic of Crimea, Kyiv, Sevastopol and in Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kharkivregions. From half-day (week) occupied much of the staff of leading regionalindustries of transport and communications, industry, construction, high laborturnover has been generated in the field of hotels and restaurants, trade,repair services.
Assessment of circulationareas of labor, the use of informal employment and underemployment, as well astheir low productivity suggest the need to strengthen institutional foundationsof employment as an important task for modern economic policy and its regions.Significant expansion of the boundaries of informal sector employment iscontrary to the requirements of effective management. Its existence makes itpossible to satisfy consumer demand for inexpensive goods and services, andeven compete through low cost to other sectors of the economy, on the otherhand — one of the primitive self of the population that nespryyaye increaseproductivity, modernize employment and strengthen the position of on міжнародномутоварномуринку.Pidtrymuyuchyzhyttyevyy levels for certain categories of people (usuallynyzkodohodnyh), the industry focuses quite primitive production, itsdevelopment will not solve urgent social problems.
In order to preparesocially secure type of employment offered are:
— To carry out thedevelopment and implementation of national and regional levels of governmentprograms to improve working conditions in the leading sectors with a clearexplanation of sources of funding for these activities, responsible contractorsand the desired effect;
— To increase the interestof employers to increase spending on health and safety, change its terms inaccordance with sanitary hihiyenichnyhnorm through tax preferencestymsub’yektam entities that achieve significant improvement in these indicatorsincrease in the current labor laws penalties against entities ignore thedemands of work and try to minimize the cost of providing proper conditions.
Expected social impact onthe transformation mechanism proposed areas of employment — a health anddisability population, the development of his professional abilities, increaseproductivity and work efficiency. This, ultimately, provide growth potential oflabor and its regions, its qualitative characteristics.
2. Modernapproaches to productivity
Productivityas an inherent attribute of the source and principle of the market economicsystem creates the relevant socio-economic requirements for human resourcesrelated, first of all, efficiency of labor, its conformity to social needs andemployment guidelines and orientation of the population itself. With theproductive use of human resources provided by a national product, sufficient tosatisfy the material and spiritual needs of society and then realizedconditions necessary for social and economic progress in the country.
Ineconomic science its business practices in our country and abroad for theperformance characteristics of groups of people and assess its level for manyyears used a category of «productivity», which shows the ratio ofproducts produced in the process of labor and labor costs of its production.
However, while havinggreat difficulty in measuring both labor costs and in evaluating its financialresults.
First, there is discussionabout what labor costs should be considered: only directly employed inmanufacturing production workers (the so-called cost of living wage) or thecosts of labor to create the means of production used in the work (ie, reifiedlabor costs). In the first case referred to the expense of working time, and thesecond — about the impact of production. But both kinds of labor costs may bewithin the enterprise Extent.
Second, whether includedin the productivity of labor intensity. This category reflects the intensity ofemployment both in terms of «density» load fund working hours, and interms of speed of labor operations. We note immediately that the distinctionbetween the categories of «intensity» and «tension» is thatthe former includes a qualitative aspect to increase labor effort per unittime. So, to perform a number robitprosto require the highest level ofintensity: as long as playing a little hard work will lead not to a usefulresult, its volume change means a change effort that the employee pays thelabor process.
With thegrowth of the intensity of labor becomes more intense, requiring return of allthe forces of the individual. Addressing this issue froma theoretical point of view is quite complex. However, in practice, you can useindicators that reflect both her, and so another position. Indeed, theaggregate of the applicable means of production, existing production and labororganization clearly define objectively possible (potential) productivity (itis often called productive labor force). But the specific level of laborintensity can significantly reject the actual (real) volume production of itsperceived value. Naturally, the various management decisions differently affectboth the productive force and the intensity of labor. [1, s.222]
Intoday’s economic and social life is changing, requiring new conceptual approachto understanding assessment study results while maintaining the role andimportance of the category «labor productivity».
First, the developedmarket economy orients public production to meet the specific needs of consumers.This forces producers to constantly update products, expand its product rangeand improve quality and to maximize profits from its activities to reduce thecost of labor. In addition, entrepreneurs profit depends on whether you wantconsumer products they produce. Such conditions impose new requirements for theassessment study results and determine the need for volume becomes larger thanlabor productivity, a category which, in our opinion, is effectiveness.
Second,modern science and technology revolution provides developing and manufacturingvarious kinds of high quality products, increased its production and reducinglabor costs. This multifaceted study results arenot considered and not fully evaluated the category «laborproductivity», which requires the use of other categories, which in ouropinion, may be «business performance». In the current revolutionnaukovoehnichnoyi increasing number and role of the work of scientists,designers, workers and technicians involved in the pilot production of newmodels of machinery, equipment, consumer goods, which also expands the scope ofthe category of «business performance».
Third, inmodern society are increasing the number and value of labor in the intangibleareas of social production, the result of which has a variety of concreteforms. Evaluation of effectiveness of work in the field ofintangible social production can be made, we believe, based on the category of«business performance».
The overall level ofsocio-economic development area (estimated in terms of gross value added percapita, the structure of economic complex, the level of unemployment by ILO,the volume of investment per capita, etc.). Determines the potential ofproductive employment, which can be realized or unrealized, depending effectivenessof social policy pursued, including employment policy.
Thus,summarizing the assessment of the real possibilities of productive employmentin Ukraine, it is possible to draw conclusions about what productive employmentto meet the following changes:
● full compliancewith changes in regional and sectoral employment proportions progressivedirections of structural transformation of the economy — growth in employmentin knowledge-intensive and eksportospromozhnyh industries, socialinfrastructure, and consumer sectors of the economy;
● increase therelease of labor from industries that optimizes the structural characteristicsof employment, combined with the expansion of employment opportunities throughjob creation in areas of promising high-yield entities, including small andmedium enterprise;
●dominance directions and measures of active employment policy over the passiveone that finds its concrete embodiment in the creation of effective new jobs,increased training and retraining, improving the effectiveness of public works,etc.;
● improvements ininfrastructure quality (informational, organizational, technical) Support ofemployment of the population, thereby decreasing time job, average length ofstay in the status of unemployed decreased amounts of stagnant unemployment;
●productivity growth in industries due to updated technical and technologicalbase of production, reduction in direct losses of working time and itsinefficient use, optimizing the number of employees, increase the intensity oflabor;
● significantreduction in hidden unemployment and unregulated employment due to the activepromotion of self-employment, increasing labor force training with a focus onlabor market needs and prospects of modernization of the economic system;
●overall improvements in geographically-branch system of employment should beaccompanied by adequate growth in real wages across the economy, its approachto the needs of the expanded reproduction of labor, improve the distribution ofincome.
Currentemployment status of Ukraine, which primarily characterized by a sharp declinein demand for labor, the closure or temporary closure of businesses, reductionof employees, part-time day, and as a result — the completion of the ranks ofthe unemployed directly due to financial and economic crisis that began in thesecond half of 2008 and continues today. For example, inNovember 2008 was 639.9 thousand registered unemployed, then in January 2009 — 919.7 thousand [1, p.24]
economicgrowth productive

Thus, the current periodof economic and social transformation characterized primarily crisis that hasmanifested in a decline in production and investment activity, inflationaryprocesses falling living standards of majority of the population. At the same time, the crisis carries a positive role,namely, as outlined in the scientific literature «cuts obsolete, notneeded for the new stage of development of production chains and structures.
So state,which emerged in the labor market in Ukraine financial crisis is a result ofinsufficient effective combination of economic reform and government employmentpolicy. Measures taken to improve the economy, creatingconditions for productive work, jobs are not adequate to the real situation.Employment policy is formed without the imagination of an integrated model tobe achieved in future.
Much ofthe working state of naselennyavnaslidok removal from the process ofprofessional adaptation simply not prepared to work under market conditions.Psychological discomfort, uncertainty in the future reduces the overallatmosphere in the society, strengthen social tension. The level of training andits directions do not meet modern requirements and needs of the labor market.
Productivityas an inherent attribute of the source and principle of the market economicsystem creates the relevant socio-economic requirements for human resourcesrelated, first of all, efficiency of labor, its conformity to social needs andemployment guidelines and orientation of the population itself. With the productive use ofhuman resources provided by a national product, sufficient to satisfy thematerial and spiritual needs of society and then realized conditions necessaryfor social and economic progress in the country.