A Need for Welfare There?s an old joke that asked,? Where do you find a welfare recipients check?? Under his work boots of course (Armitage 45). For a long time now, since the accomplished formation of a stable government, the U.S government has had the programs and passed laws that either dealt with issues of or influenced family. Many of these ?family? programs and laws currently in place today are frequently and commonly debated. One of the most debated and most labored over ?family? programs or laws is welfare. The argument is, whether or not to, how welfare should be cut or minimized. The debate is simple enough, but the argument on welfare?s benefits and drawbacks is not. On the pro side of the argument, on which I stand, welfare aids poor families as well as the economy and may help to reduce crime. Welfare?s benefits far out weigh its drawbacks even though many abolitionist thrash at the idea day in and day out. Welfare generally helps poor families survive in today?s economy by providing a means for them to obtain food while they search for employment. These families receive food stamps, to purchase food, and a small amount of dollars to aid with either rent or utilities. Because of this income from welfare, crime is may be reduced. This is because there is now a minimal amount of income so the poor no longer have the need to go out and commit crimes to attain such money. Welfare also aids in improving the economy because the children of these families can afford to go to school and have a chance to make someone of themselves. Instead of enrolling in welfare themselves, they will learn the value of the true dollar and in the future they will make their own contributions back to the economy and will be tax paying citizens. Taking this to mind, welfare is a program that is an essential part of the United States both socially and economically. Applewhite, Alonzo S. “Homeless Veterans: Perspectives on Social Services Use.” Social Work 44.5 (1999)
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