Canada 2 Essay Research Paper The Physical

Canada 2 Essay, Research Paper The Physical Regions of Canada Canada is divided into six regions. The regions are the Atlantic region, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River region, the Shield region, the Plains region, the Cordillera region, and the North region. Each of these different regions all have their own special traits which make them unique from the others. Things such as area, population density, economy, resources, etc. divide the regions and give them the identity they have. In the Atlantic region are the provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and parts of Quebec. This region was first settled by Aboriginals, but today only 5% of the tribes are still around. The size of the provinces in this region is quite small, yet their population density is the highest in all of Canada. This is because there are a lot of people in a small area. These people’s number one natural resource has been fishing. Since they live right on the coast of the Atlantic ocean, its no wonder why. This region has impacted Canada because they supply the country with revenue from the fish industry, as well as their abundant forest industry. However, because of differences in culture and lifestyles the people in this region have and that of the rest of the country, stereotypes have arisen, and this hasn’t helped in uniting Canada as a country. The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River region consists of Ontario and Quebec. It is split into two parts by a thin arm of the Canadian Shield. This region is where the majority of Canada’s population is centered. Canada’s two most populated cities, Toronto and Montreal, are set in this region. Moreover, this region is excellent for agriculture, as it has good soil, a great supply of fresh water, and a long growing season. This region affects Canadian unity because it is a key area for manufacturing, and it is recognized for its dense population. The largest region in area is the Shield region. It covers more than half of Canada and includes parts of the Northwest Territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Labrador (Newfoundland). Furthermore, Forestry and logging are very important to the Shield’s economy. It is also rich with minerals and rocks. Many cities have grown up around the mines. Also, hydro-electricity is a key source of power for the region, as it has many major rivers and lakes. The Shield also attracts many tourists. Directly West of the Shield region is the Plains region. The Plains region consists mainly of Alberta and Saskatchewan, but also parts of Manitoba, Northwest Territories, and British Columbia. This region has many huge flat fields of golden grains such as wheat. Henceforth, the oil industry in this region also plays a major part in the Plains region’s economy. There are many oil wells throughout the region, especially in Alberta, so it brings in a lot of revenue to this region. The Plains region sells oil to many parts of Canada and is recognized for it. Right along the Pacific Rim lies the Cordillera region. It is made up of mostly British Columbia and the and the Yukon Territory, but also contains parts of Alberta and the Northwest Territories. One of the major industries of this region is the mining industry. Places such as the Crowsnest Pass contain a great variety of rock types and valuable minerals. Another major natural resource is the forest industry. Because the wood in the Plains region is mainly timber, it can be sold as lumber, rather than turning it into pulp wood. Also, because the region is right on the Pacific Rim, it can export and import goods to all countries on the Pacific Rim via cargo ship. One of the major trade partners is the U.S. The Cordillera region’s connections bring the rest of Canada to them for their import/export needs. The final region, the North region, is nearly all of the Northwest Territories, but contains small parts of the Yukon Territory, Manitoba, and Ontario. It also has a small block of North Quebec, as well. The basis of the economy of the North region is the trapping and fishing industry. Because of new technologies in transportation, the resources that this region has are much more easily accessible and can be transported to other regions with ease. This region has also become much more populated over the last 50 years. In conclusion, Canada is obviously a very diverse country, and the different features and resources each of the regions has shows this. Because each region has something special that the other regions don’t, each region must look to the other regions for certain resources and products. This brings Canada together and keeps it from individualizing into small independent, self-reliant areas.