Texas Independence Essay Research Paper What was

Texas Independence Essay, Research Paper What was the significance of Texas getting its Independence? After getting its independence Texas asked congress if it could join the union to become part of the U.S States. Congress accepted and so Texas became an official state. Mexico did not like the idea of Texas becoming independent and Texas wanted more land so they ended up having the war in Mexico. The significance of it is Texas actually having the war. By going to war and winning they gained land the size of a third of the whole country. They got land by the border which made trading easy with other countries because they did not have to make a longer trip anymore. It was also a warning to show that they could win any war they came across. After getting its independence Texas asked congress if it could join the union to become part of the U.S States. Congress accepted and so Texas became an official state. Mexico did not like the idea of Texas becoming independent and Texas wanted more land so they ended up having the war in Mexico. The significance of it is Texas actually having the war. By going to war and winning they gained land the size of a third of the whole country. They got land by the border which made trading easy with other countries because they did not have to make a longer trip anymore. It was also a warning to show that they could win any war they came across. After getting its independence Texas asked congress if it could join the union to become part of the U.S States. Congress accepted and so Texas became an official state. Mexico did not like the idea of Texas becoming independent and Texas wanted more land so they ended up having the war in Mexico. The significance of it is Texas actually having the war. By going to war and winning they gained land the size of a third of the whole country. They got land by the border which made trading easy with other countries because they did not have to make a longer trip anymore. It was also a warning to show that they could win any war they came across.