International Students Essay Research Paper International Students

International Students Essay, Research Paper International Students on Campus There are many International students that attend East Texas University. There are Hispanics, Russians, and Chinese that attend this institution. I talked to Mario and he said that East Texas really helps the International students in many ways. Some of the ways they give help to the International students are financial support and offer them on-campus jobs for other ways of financial support. Some of the on-campus jobs that they offer are maintenance, security, working in the computer labs and in the mailroom. The advantages for attending a state school is that the schools in the U.S are easier here than in Mexico. There is more interest in sports in the U.S than in Mexico. The sports facilities are a lot bigger and nicer in the U.S. In Mexico math is pushed harder for students to know than in the U.S (Mario). Sports are one of the biggest activities in the U.S and this makes school fun and exciting. As in Mexico there is only school, this makes it boring (Mario). The disadvantage for coming to an institution in the U.S is that Mexican institutions are cheaper and the price of living here is higher also. In the U.S the food is more expensive and there are more places to eat here (Mario). The first semester of school in the U.S is hard because there is a lot to get to know. I took Mario one year to get to know the English language. Mario took ESL for one year and this helped him out a lot (Mario). I have learned for Mario that the institutions in the U.S are better for people to learn and it is a better learning environment. Mario also said that he would send his kids to the U.S to learn (Mario). It has been a good experience for Mario to come to the U.S to learn the English language and the English culture.