Naturalforces Essay Research Paper Homonidsman like creature

Naturalforces Essay, Research Paper Homonids-man like creature. Paleolithic age-characterized by hunter gathering societies, man hunted, and fished 44-death of Ceaser Neolithic age-new stone ago, end with civilization, had reliable surpluses and allowed humans to go into villages and centers.3thousand b.c.e.- civilized age. Alluvial valleys- early sites of human settlements,rich valleys that have rivers that deposit soil. Obsidian-important trade product in the Neolithic era. Jane Jacobs-theory that suggested trade had a lot to do with surpluses. Cosmologies-story about the beginning and prediction stories of the end,mythical Smelting-extracting metals from their areas.3conditions of smelting- having the ore, lots of energy and heat, absence of oxygen cosmologys-enuma elish, epic of guligamesh Enuma elish-coming of order in the universe out of chaos. Code of hammorabi-1750 bce, earliest written law code that reflects agricultural society trying to make order. 2 great natural forces -were the sun and the Nile. 1799-rosetta stone was found Francois Champollion-young frenchman who translated the Rosseta stone