Studying For Examination Essay Research Paper Studying

Studying For Examination Essay, Research Paper Studying for an Examination Many students think reading and studying for an examination are the same thing; and because of this misunderstanding, students do not know how to study for an examination. Reading is the act of rendering texts aloud or a public or private recitation of a written material. Whereas studying is actually concentrating, understanding, and reviewing what has been read. First of all, where to study for an examination is just as important as studying for an exam. If you find yourself repeatedly being interrupted by outside distractions such as friends and phone calls, you can find a way to block these distractions completely by switching off your phone for the period of time you want to study and also going to a place where you know no one would disturb you like the library. Another way to know where to study is noting the length of time spent on each distraction at each place you study for a week. Each time you study, you should jot down how long you studied, how much work you actually covered, and how many and what kind of distraction you had. Once you have this information, you can now analyze your study habits. For example, you were able to cover a certain type of subject at a particular place and time. Then you can decide to study at the place with the least distraction. I stopped studying in the library because it was too distracting. Now I study at home where I get little or no distraction. Second, one frequent complaint students have is that they cannot concentrate while studying for my exam. There are many ways for improving your concentration span, but you have to choose the one that suits you best. Minimizing visual distraction by studying away from the windows is a good way of concentrating because that way you do not get distracted by passers- by. Use appropriate lighting that does not strain your eyes because instead on concentrating on what you are studying, you disturb yourself by straining your eyes. Take regular study breaks, and when you do, do something different from what you have been doing. By doing something different, your brain is relaxed and what you have studied stays fresh in your mind. For example if you were studying for your biology exam, during your break, do not read anything. Instead go for a walk or take a nap. Third, understanding plays an important role in studying for an exam. When studying for an exam, you should interpret what you are studying. That is trying to understand what the text is about. Interpreting a text in your own words, also helps you to have a greater understanding of what the text is about. when studying for an exam, go over previous lecture notes, and have outward interest during lectures. Self motivation, internal interest and practicing what you have learned helps in retaining and understanding what you are reading. These basic steps are the things I have done to come out in flying colors. Through proper concentration, understanding, practice and reviewing what I read has helped me very much. Anyone who uses these steps would appreciate and enjoy the happiness of having good grade as I am having now. English Department Grading Standards in Freshman Composition