Gnome Essay, Research Paper A Day in the Life of a Gnome Once upon a time there was a gnome named Knob, who lived the far off land of Gnomania. Gnomania is a huge underground lair with only one entrance. The only entrance to this lair is by swimming down to the bottom of the ocean floor and knocking on a large clam. On the other side of this clam is an old grouchy gnome named Stubby whose only job was to keep the clam clean, and listen for the knock of incoming visitors. To assist Stubby in guarding the clam, he had a pet snark. A snark is an animal or pet that can be used as a watchdog. One day Knob went to visit his grandmother in the land of Gnollie which is about a guzillion centimeters away from Gnomania. On his way to his grandmother?s house he ran across a garden. Upon stumbling on the garden, he decided to be thoughtful and pick some tulips for his grandmother. Tulips were her favorite snack. While approaching his grandmother?s house, he found something to be very strange. His grandmother was hovering on an hummingbird, while picking apples from her tall twenty-foot appletree. After contemplating on this strange doing, he decided not to let it bother him. After seeing Knob approach her house, Knob?s grandmother whistled for the hummingbird to bring her down so she could greet him. She greeted him with a loud burp which was a common courtesy among Gnomanians. After greeting him she also sprinkled him with some of her fairy dust. She handily carried it around in her turban. She naturally invited him in for dinner where they ate lots of mosquitoes. After dinner, they watched a cheap imitation of television. They used a big box to put different animals in and called it the Discovery channel. By the end of the day Knob was getting a little weary, so he decided to return home. When he returned form Gnollie his pet snark was there to welocme him home. He welcomed his snark back by feeding it fisheyes or to us humans dog biscuits. After the short snack, Knob and his snark went back to his teepee where they hibernated until the next morning. The next day Knob met up with his friend Door. Door was a runaway gnome who lived on the streets of Gnomania. They met one day by accident. Since Door lived on the streets, he had to steal food to survive. One day when
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