Beowulf Essay Research Paper In the epic

Beowulf Essay, Research Paper In the epic Beowulf, the poet shows that the conflict between good and evil is never ending. This is displayed is Strophe 12. The conflict between good and evil is seen in the setting, plot and characterization of the strophe. Strophe 12 takes place in Grendel Mother’s home. “For hours he(Beowulf) sank through the waves”(573) means he had to swim through the lake for a couple of hours. He swam down past the monsters and all the sea creatures. The water was hot. All the sea creatures left him alone. “He saw the mud at the bottom”(574) says she lived at the very bottom of the lake. Then the fight was moved “into someone’s battle hall”(589). The hall had a “high-arched roof”(592). The hall was long because they were fighting in it. He had some experience fighting the grendals. Beowulf takes a sword and wears his armor down with him. She uses her claws to “try to work her fingers through the tight/ ring-woven mail on his breast (580-581). Then she decides to bite his helmet. He was able to puncture her neck; he “then discovered that no sword could slice her evil” (599). He realized that mortal weapons could not kill evil. His armor was the only thing that kept him alive. Later he found a magical sword hanging on the wall and used it to kill her. He shows good character by using his strength, bravery, and faith. He is brave by saying he “would not wait for anyone’s/ answer” (570-571). He was the only one to go down and fight her. He shows his strength by using his “arms and seized her strength by the shoulder/ anger doubled his strength”(613-614). His faith is shown after he falls down; “the holy God who sent him victory, gave judgment for/truth and right, ruler of the heavens,/once Beowulf was back on his feet fighting”(629-632). Through the setting, plot, and characterization show the conflict between good and evil in strophe 12.