, Research Paper Much Ado About Nothing has grown into one of William Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies. The relationships that comprise this play reveal a common truth about human nature. In the same way, the characters exhibit many complex and distinct elements present in all human beings. The romantic relationship of Beatrice and Benedick mimics the act of courtship and love in the real world. The camaraderie of Don Pedro and Leonato contains the same dramas present in all bonds of friendship. Human beings compose literature, creating valid representations of their world. Fiction takes from the real world and human experience, thus, human beings can discover truths about life through fiction. Consequently, the greatest literary works ever written are those which contain real life dramas, and, characters the reader can relate to. Relationships are the most important aspect of a story. Character relations reveal more about human nature and emotion than anything else. Benedick’s turbulent and comical courtship of Beatrice represents the most prominent love story in this drama. From the complicated circumstances of their past, to the caustic remarks which comprise most of their interactions, Beatrice and Benedick’s future seems uncertain. Referring to one another as poor, pathetic, and
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