Classical Music Concert Report Essay Research Paper

The performing group was the Astral Trio, Nicolas Kendall on the Violin, Clancy Newman on the Cello, and Anna Polonsky on the Piano. They performed on Monday, November 5, 2001 at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts. The Cerritos Center is exceptionally stylish and classy or maybe I think like this because it was my first time in a musical concert. In fact, I was nervous since I didn?t know where to walk but the center was well coordinated plus I was helped all the way to my seat. My seat was located at the front left section of the concert hall. It was an adequate seat location for the reason that I could clearly observe and listen to the performers quite well. The stage lighting was fine because it focused on the performers. The only problem I noticed was that the seats were extremely uncomfortable and too compact to each other. There was one special feature at the end of the concert, it was an encore presentation of another movement in the Trio in B Major of Johannes Brahms. The age of the audience range from children as young as 5 years to elder adults. Almost everybody dressed differently but all were dressed suitable for the occasion. The behavior towards the performers was supporting and well liked reactions regarding the pieces they played. The first piece played was Trio in G Major, Op 1 No. 2 by Ludwig van Beethoven of the Classical Period. The performance medium was the Orchestra Trio; they used of all three instruments in the entire piece. (Violin, Cello, and Piano) The texture of the piece it self was homophonic. The piece also used ample terraced dynamics or gradual dynamic change throughout the piece. The first movement was in a fast tempo, with a nice but not catchy rhythm. Since it was quite hard to remember when it was over. The second movement was in a slow tempo, it very dramatic. It made me sad as if someone died. The audience seemed captivated by grief it projected. The third movement was like the first but changed w/ higher tones in a fast tempo. The second piece played was Cafe Music by Paul Schoenfield of the Twentieth Century. The performance medium was the Orchestra Trio; they used of all three instruments in the entire piece. The texture of the piece was polyphonic/homophonic. The entire piece was smooth and suave, charming melody for any moment. The first movement was in fast tempo; it resembled a get it going rhythm, a little slow dance like. The second movement was in a slow tempo; this movement was like saying goodbye to something but not in an unhappy manner. The third movement was similar to the ritornello form; it had aspects of the first movement. The last piece played was Trio in B Major, Op. 8 by Johannes Brahms of the Romantic Period. The performance medium was the same as well as the instruments played. The texture of the piece was homophonic/polyphonic. This piece had a harmonic and relaxing melody. The first movement was in a fast but some parts slow tempo. This movement was the most relaxing of all. The second movement was in a fast tempo; the music played was like reminiscing old time playing on a hilly grass field. The third movement was in a slow tempo, not projecting sorrow ness but more like peacefulness. The last movement was in a fast tempo; it had high climax point that marked the end of the main theme. The piece that had the most emotional effect on me was the second movement in the Beethoven piece. It was so dramatic that it made remember the times when I had to let go some of the person I loved the most. The concert itself was great but that movement really shook me.