Creative Story: The Crash It was a calm sunny day in mid-January as Bob climbed into his plane to go for a late afternoon flight over the mountains. He started the engine and it gave a weak squeal as it turned over. Bob thought nothing of this as it happens when it is cold out, but it was more than he could ever know. He taxied his plane to the end of the runway and applied full power. The plane began to accelerate slowly at first but quickly gained speed, and just as fast it leaped into the air. About twenty minutes into the flight the plane gave a shudder as a strong gust of wind shoved at the small plane. In minutes the sun disappeared and snow took its place. Bob’s peaceful afternoon flight had just become a nightmare. Bob attempted to turn the small plane back to the airport but the wind would not allow it. The wind had it’s way with the plane until that squeal came back to haunt the young man inside. With a shudder and a bang the plane’s prop stopped. Within seconds the stall horn began to blow and the plane rolled onto it’s right side and plummeted to the snow covered ground. Bob awoke, not knowing how long he was out, hoping that some one had received his frantic calls for help. After a day he decided to try and hike out, he took everything he could carry. He made good distance during the day but at nightfall he knew it was over; the temperature had fallen below negative fifty mark. The rescuers sent out search parties and finally found him in his sleeping bag next to a burnt out fire. They had been looking for weeks, this is what they had expected.
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