Dream Job Essay, Research Paper For me, the perfect dream job would be a team manager of the Green bay Packers. To even think of standing next to the ?man-beast? named Gilbert Brown would be a dream itself. To be able to shake Antonio Freeman?s hand after a good catch, have eye contact with Ahmad Green after he just scored six against the Buccaneers, hand Bret Farve the game ball, it would be just what the doctor ordered. I would love to step foot on Laumbeu Field in the cold of winter, to talk strategy with the head coach Mike Sherman. Even to live in a town like Green bay, the whole city is involved with the packers in one way or another. The middle school?s name is Lombardi Middle School; the whole town worships the Packers just as much as god. The whole town consists of fans, if you?re not a packer fan; you are considered an outcast and constantly heckled. The team is what binds the town together; all different races, age, and gender, everything is brought together. I can?t say the same about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, that is the most rag-tag bunch of not athletic humans ever seen on the face of the earth. Even that steroidal monster, Warren Sapp is a pitiful sight enough. To have the Packers beat the Buccaneers would be the peak in my dream job. To watch Brad Johnson get his sorry excuse for a body slammed into the ground by Santana Dotson over and over again till his body broke into two would be heaven to my eyes. To listen as Keyshawn Johnson get the air knocked out of his drug-hounded lungs by Bernardo Harris would be music to my ears. Ergo, working for the packers would make me die a happy man, although the rest of my family are Buccaneer fans, I know I can still stand strong with the green and gold as I watch the Pack violate the Buck?s pride and honor.
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