Dreams Essay Research Paper DreamsDreams why do

Dreams Essay, Research Paper
Dreams, why do we dream. I thing we dream because we
are thinking while we are sleeping and our brain puts those
thought into a weird movie in our head. Some people think
dreams are the keys to lifes problem. They say in your
dreams there are symbolic things that mean something
different. I don?t know about all that but it has some truth
behind it.
In the dream journal I had a whole bunch of dreams that
didn?t make much sense. They are hard to write down. But in
my day dream journal I can usually control my day dreams,
and they make more sense. My day dreams and night dreams
are not the same at all because my day dreams make sense
and my night dreams don?t. Like for example, in my day
dream journal I basically dream about stuff I would like to do.
But in my night dreams I do a bunch of stuff that I would
never do.
As for the theories that explain why we dream I don?t
think the books really apply to mine because my dreams are
weird and make no sense. I think that when I go to sleep my
brain is still awake, and it is sending off thoughts at random.
And then it puts them together to try to make sense of it.
Sometimes it makes sense, but usually they end up all messed
In conclusion I feel that we dream because our brains
send off thoughts at random while we sleep and out brains put
those thoughts into a movie, that for me never makes sense.
My day dreams are nothing like my night dreams, because my
day dreams are more realistic and make sense and my night
dreams don?t.