Dwight D Eisenhower Essay, Research Paper Dwight D. Eisenhower was born on October 14 1890 in Denison Texas. His parents were David Jacob Eisenhower and Ida Stover Eisenhower. He had two older brothers Arthur and Edgar and three youger ones Roy,Earl and Milton. Predictions made in his highschool year book saw Dwight as becoming a history professor and strangly enough his older brother Edgar becoming President of the United States. Many happenings in Dwight?s life show leadership ability. In 1941 Eisenhower was appointed by the army to plan the stradegy for the Third Army in war games in Louisianna. He brilliantly defeated the ?enemy force?. This performance earned him a promotion to brigadier general in September 1941. The U.S. enterred World War 2 in December of 1941. After Japans attack on Pearl Habor General George C Marshall ,Army Chief of Staff, brought Eisenhower to Washington D.C. to serve in the Army?s war plans division. He was then named commanding general of the U.S. forces in the European Theatre of Operations. In July of 1942 Eisenhower became lieutenant general. Also named commander of allied forces to invade North Africa. The invasion resulted in the recapturing of the reigon from german and italian forces. Eisenhower became a four star general in February 1943. In all these campaigns he worked to create unnity between all the foreign commanders. Many americans viewd this to be a very difficult job. Eisenhower said ? Good leadership was not a matter of issuing orders but it was a matter of enforcing obedience instead?. With Eisenhower having all the experience in leadership, many americans thought Eisenhower would make a great president. During the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower he was faced with many difficult tasks or decisions. When Dwight D. Eisenhower was running for office he had promised that he would travel personally to Korea to astablish a truce. In the middle of the year 1953 he full filled this promise. In 1954 Eisenhower sent protection to South Vietnam in 1954 in an effort to prevent its take over by Communist-run North Vietnam. He also launched a major federal public works program that established the national interstate highway system and the Saint Lawrence Sea Way. In the year 1956 he was forced to deal with his first domestic crisis, the violent reaction to the court ordered racial segregation in Little Rock,Arkansas. Nationalizing the Arkansas National Guard and sending in additional troops quickly restored peace. In 1961 Eisenhower cut off diplomatic relations with Cuba in response to the Cuban Revolution of 1959. These are just a few difficult decisions that Eisenhower had to make during his presidency. The american public had faith in their president to make the right decison. Eisenhower had full suport from the american public. Bibliography The American Presidency http://www.grolier.com/presidents/Eisenhower ?Dwight D Eisenhower? Encarta Encyclopedia,1998
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