Frankenstein Good And Bad Choices Essay Research

Frankenstein: Good And Bad Choices Essay, Research Paper
Frankenstein: Good and Bad Choices
26 And Go said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and
let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the cattle, and over
all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he them. 28
And God blessed them. Genesis 2:26-28 a.
These are the words that are written in the second chapter of the Holy
Bible. God formed man and man then had choices on whether or not to eat from
one certain tree in the garden. They did not make the right choice and were
punished for that choice and the rest of the generations are still punished
today for a choice that Adam and Eve made. Prometheus and Frankenstein had
similar choices to Adam and Eve.
Prometheus was a semi-god and his job or task was to create man. After
creating the man, Prometheus felt it his job to protect his creation. In doing
so, he gave fire to man that he had stolen from Zeus. From Prometheus’s actions
he suffered for the rest of eternity. When Victor Frankenstein made his being,
he made a choice to “animate lifeless clay and body-parts”, to become a being.
The choice he made would haunt him for the rest of his life. When Zeus finds
out that Prometheus has stolen his fire, he took Prometheus to a top of a
mountain and chains him to the mountain. Every day an eagle comes down and rips
him open and eats his insides. During the night Prometheus would recover during
the night.
After Victor Frankenstein created his being, he called it pure evil, but
in reality, Victor made his being evil. When Prometheus opens the box that his
bother sends to him (Pandora’s box) he lets out all the evil things that corrupt
the world.
Frankenstein can be compared to Prometheus. Both Frankenstein and
Prometheus made things that undoughtily went wrong. Frankenstein made the being
and by the end of the book the being had turned out to be an evil creature that
no one wanted to have anything to do with. But at the same time, Prometheus
brought on himself Pandora’s Box.
In the same way, Victor Frankenstein is like Zeus. Frankenstein made
the being and Zeus made Prometheus and he made fire to help out man.
Frankenstein, after making his being, did not want anything to do with the being
because he was scary and no one wanted to be around him. In the same way, Zeus
did not want to have anything to do with Prometheus. Both the being and
Prometheus were made to be used for good but their creators made them into crazy
and scary things. The being and Prometheus are banned and are left to die but
neither one of them are able to die and have no way of getting out of the
situations they are in.
Everything is made up of choices. In the world today there are good
choices and there are bad choice. Everyone has to make choices and through
Prometheus and through Victor Frankenstein anyone can see what happens when you
make the wrong choice.