Geography Wildlife Essay Research Paper I have

Geography Wildlife Essay, Research Paper I have came to the conclusion that the changes that have occurred in the areas have been good and bad because although wildlife and birds have decreased in the area the area is becoming a more modernised and futuristic area and keeping all the green land and open space is old fashioned and is not in keeping with the times. I feel that my answer to the first question about the area under study was too vague and too short. I also think my answer to the second question about what changes have taken place in the area was too vague but this was because I had difficulties getting information but then I think my answers to the next two questions were good this was because I could find information easily and it was more based on questionnaires and peoples opinions. But I found the last question very difficult because it took me a long time to get information. If I did this again I would of started earlier. Overall I thought my answers to the Regional Park were good and very thorough.