You. Essay, Research Paper Comparison Between: Jane Eyre and the poem “Well, I Have Lost You”… I believe that there are many parallels between the book: Jane Eyre and the poem “Well, I Have Lost You”. For example, in the poem, the author says, “I have lost you; and I lost you fairly; In my own way, and with my full consent.” The author tells of a woman who loved a man dearly, and unfortunately, because of that love, had to leave him. This woman knows that leaving was the right thing to do, and realizes that she made the right decision. Jane Eyre had to leave Mr. Rochester, the love of her life, after she found out that he had another wife. Jane never stopped loving Mr. Rochester, and he never stopped loving her; but Jane “knew what [she] must do-and do soon…” (pg. 299) And that was to leave him. Even though there were many logical reasons to over-ride her excuses, Jane had to stay true to herself. “I care for myself” (pg. 302) is her primary motive. Jane knew she had to go, or else she would be reminded everyday of the man who she could not have, because of another woman, and in doing so, causing herself a great deal of unnecessary pain. Another example of a common thread between the two works is that neither woman holds a grudge. “I shall have only good to say of you.” is what the poem’s author declares. Jane feels very much the same, “I had already gained the door; but, reader, I walked back…I knelt down by him; I turned his face from the cushion to me; I kissed his cheek I smoothed his hair with my hand.” Both of the women are strong, but keep a soft spot in their heart for the men they loved–and still love.
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