Jefferson Essay Research Paper I feel that

Jefferson Essay, Research Paper I feel that I would be considered a Jeffertonian because I think the common man should run the federal government, like Jefferson thought. I think the federal government should be strong enough to function. And finally I feel that the constitution should be interpreted loosely. In my opinion the common man should run the federal government. These are people such as farmers and everyday life people. My reason for not choosing the rich and well educated is because I feel that you do not need to have a really good education to make decisions. People make decisions everyday. They may not be as important as the ones that governor make, but you can learn from your mistakes. The rich support themselves and the would do anything to keep the rich- rich so they will do any thing for themselves. The federal government should be strong enough to function. I do not think it needs to be very strong because if it is strong enough to function, I personally do not see why it needs to be any stronger. The constitution should be interpreted loosely, or “Broad Constructed”. The reason I feel this way is because if it was literal, “word-for-word”, then whatever the constitution says,goes. There is no room for negotiation.When the constitution was first written, it was meant to be followed strictly and “word-for-word”, but times have changed and so have consequences.