Judicial Review Essay, Research Paper Judicial Review The Supreme Court is the only court designated in the constitution. Within it is the Chief Justice of the United States, and eight associates. Being the highest court it is the last resort for all federal court questions. The Supreme Court has the power to determine whether something is constitutional or not, which makes them the final authority. Though, the constitution does not specifically give the power for Judicial Review. I believe judicial review is appropriate because, one, it keeps everything fair and for the good of the country, two, the Judicial Branch knows the law the best, and last, it makes it so that the president does not have the final word in everything. Judicial Review is right because it keeps things on track and for the good of the nation. The Supreme Court uses the constitution as their guideline so there is no way they could go wrong. The Judicial Branch is not biased or objective because they aren’t driven by a party or by the public. It is the promise of the Judiciary Department to say what the law is and they cannot break that promise. If they did it could go against the constitution, which is the law. The Judicial Branch knows the law the best. Before the people in the judicial branch became what they are they had the profession of a lawyer. They studied the law and they are involved with it day in and day out. The law is there profession, so if they didn?t know it best they wouldn?t be in the Judicial Branch. Giving the Judicial Branch and the Supreme Court the Judicial Review power makes it so that the president doesn?t end up with the final word in everything. They keep the president from the final word because the Supreme Court is the only one that has the final authority in the end. All federal questions go the Supreme Court as they’re last resort. The Supreme Court is the highest court, which gives it the final say along with the power of Judicial Review. They have the power to decide what is right and what is wrong according to the constitution. Though the constitution doesn?t specifically give the power for Judicial Review I find it appropriate. It is appropriate because it makes sure that the laws are for the good of the country, the people behind it know the law the best, and it makes it so that the president doesn?t always have the final say.
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