Letter On Censorship Essay Research Paper Dear

Letter On Censorship Essay, Research Paper Dear Mr Smith,I am writing to you on the subject of censorship. It is my belief that the laws governing film censorship should be more versatile.Children of today are becoming mature and adult-like at an ever-increasing early age. They are taught about the dangers of sex and drugs in school, and know more about these topics than many adults. It is therefore ridiculous not to allow them to see films containing violence; sex and drugs on the TV until they are 18 as they will clearly be mature enough to see them at the age of 16 when they finish their secondary education. At this age they will have been taught everything they need to know. In my opinion I believe your laws on the classification of films to be somewhat outdated, as you don’t seem to be acknowledging the fact that there are an ever-increasing number of mature people at a younger age. It is therefore unfair to discriminate these people. I believe that the 18 certificate and the 15 certificate should be abolished with a new 16 certificate introduced. This will therefore mean that everyone will be able to see the films, which they are clearly mature enough to see. I hope you can see my point of view and I hope that your view of censorship will change. Abolishing the 18 certificate for a newer more modern 16 certificate is the way forward. Yours Faithfully,