, Research Paper When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Evil or good? When I look at in the mirror, I see the art, the way the natural expresses the human beings; the way nature expresses the imagines. Look in the mirror shows the reflection of the object, imagine is the favor of all the artists, art is the expression of all the imagines; art is the reflection of the object. When I look in the mirror, I see the years in the reflection; I have been lived in the world for almost three decades. In the mirror, I see myself as old man compare with the other Taiwanese student in here. Yet, I also see the intelligent, I treat myself as a wise man, I see myself as a wise man in the mirror. I think, the mirror almost express my all, it describe my body shape, the way I look like, the way I wear, all the things can be seen in my appearance. The mirror shows I am a thin man, not as strong as the boxer is. Also, I wear a glasses, it covers my nervous all the times. Sometimes, I can change myself by wearing the different glasses; it helps me to change my appearance and shows my mood. On the other hand, I can see the wrinkles on my face, I think, the wrinkles shows the years, shows the wisdom and the life. If I were an artist, I will choose the abstract way to do myself-portrait. In my thought, the abstract art is the excellent way to express the object; it always makes me to think, to realize the meaning of the art. I would like to choose the “soft colors” to draw the painting. The soft colors, the abstract drawing can express my friendliness, my simple.
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