Low Level Waste Essay Research Paper Lowlevel

Low Level Waste Essay, Research Paper Low-level Waste facility Nuclear Fusion, a process in which two light nuclei combine to form a single heavier nucleus. An example of this is the sunrays they are the simplest form of nuclear fusion. The use for this is fusion is used as a fuel. But the risks are radiation poising which is very deadly. Nuclear fission, a reverse process of fusion. So it?s a process in which a heavy nucleus splits in to two smaller nuclei. The simplest form is particles going into are atmosphere from space. We use it by making atomic bombs. It can also cause radiation poising which is very deadly. Radioactive Decay is the time required for one half of the atoms in any starting sample of a radioisotope to decay. An example of how long this takes is radionucliden. This element has a half-life that ranges from 50 days to 15,700,000 years. When the radioactive materials buried breaks down the environment is destroyed. Radioactive decay is used by us to treat cancer and alpha rays are used in smoke detectors. Gamma and beta rays give off a radiation poising which is extremely harmful and hard to contain. With all these things that can happen if you put a low level waste facility in your area it over weights the pros. In till waste management is studied and we know more about it I don?t advise putting one in your community. It can be harmful and its present a long time in the atmosphere and the land.