Organized Crime Essay Research Paper What underlying

Organized Crime Essay, Research Paper What underlying factors lead to the prevalence of organized crime? Organized crime by definition means crime that is committed by a number of people that are organized in a series of networks. These crimes that are committed are often well planned out and involve a number of people all working together under one, or sometimes a few, men in power and leaders of the group. There are three main nationalities which are noted for their involvement in major organized crime; Italians, Columbians, and the Post Soviet-Russians (Shelly). Economic standing of the country or countries in which organized crime exists is one of the most if not the major factor in the prevalence of organized crime (Tomass, et al). By economic standing I am referring to the current shape of a country’s economy is in; whether it be in a depression or on the rise or fall after a war. For example, the fundamental forces underlying the growth of organized crime are the technological explosions and economic boom of the post Second WW (Shelly). Another factor is the current standing of leadership within a country. For example, Cuba today falls under heavy restraint laws of drugs within the country. This in turn prompts the drug trade to be trafficked into the US (Rubio). And drug trade is a form of organized crime. A third major factor in prevailing organized crime is certain technological advancements made in the top part of last century. Communications and better travel methods makes it possible for all sorts of organized crimes to be committed in just about any region of the world, even when the guy giving the orders could be thousands of miles away (Kim). Yet another prevailing factor is geological position. For example, southern Italy, Sicily, is located near the tip of Italy near the Mediterranean Sea. This made for great importing and exporting of illegal goods (Godson).