The Best Possible Temperature For Electrolysis Essay

, Research Paper Aim: ??????????? .Factors to be affected: ??????????? TemperatureFactors not to be affected: ??????????? Concentration, Current, Surface Area, Air Pressure And Weight Of Brass And Copper Plates.Hypothesis: ??????????? I hypothesise that as the temperature increases the electrolysis will take place faster and more efficiently because particles move faster when there is more heat. This is because of the kinetic theory, the more heat, the more energy so the particles move faster.Apparatus: ??????????? 1 battery pack, 1 ammeter, 1 variable resistor, 1 set of electronic scales, 1 200ml beaker, 2 crocodile clips, wire and 1 piece of cardboard.Consumables ??????????? 200ml copper (II) sulphate solution, 6 copper plates and 6 brass platesMethod: ??????????? Weigh a copper plate and a brass plate. Record these on your results table. Attach them to a piece of cardboard, attach a crocodile clip to each metal plate connecting to the circuit (shown; fig 1). The power from the battery pack should be set at 0.2A. Place the piece of cardboard on top of a beaker filled with 200ml copper (II) sulphate solution. Place this in a water bath set to the desired temperature. Then turn the current on for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes weigh both plates again. Record these on your table of results.Safety: ??????????? Do not eat or drink any of the materials involved in this process, wear eye protection at all times and do not electricute yourself or anybody near you