Paper The four pillars of acting are; style, emotion, objective and sense memory. The first of these, style, is considered the most important thing that an actor must learn. Every play and every scene has its very own style, and one must learn to play the part in these different styles. An actor would not express his lines in a comedy in with the same feeling and style the same line would have in a drama. The style with which a character is portrayed can change entirely a patrons interpretation of that personality The second support of playing is that of emotion, the portrayal of many different feelings in a realistic manner. The audience can connect with a character through emotions, a person can commiserate with a character that is going where he or she has gone. Without emotion, the dialogue in a performance would be dull and lifeless. Without passion, the purpose of acting is gone, for it is no longer acting. The third of these great pillars of acting is the objective, that is, what is the intentions of this character? What are his or her goals? The purpose of the objective is to keep the acting away from thinking of themselves, so that the actor can portray the personality more accurately. Last but not least in this list is the Sense Memory. To use Sense Memory is to throw yourself away and truly believe you are this character for the duration of the drama. If a body can convince himself he is a different person, it will be easy to convince others of the same. Sense Memory is to learn to do things with your imagination, it is to fully pretend you are another individual.
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