Paper The High Priest of Globalization Everyone remembers the times in early childhood when their dad would hand them a picture book and ask them what they saw. Unbeknownst to the child, the picture contained a hidden picture or message. Although difficult to see, it was there. Even if refused by acknowledgement, it still existed. Such is the case with today?s government. The so called “world leaders” are only puppets acting under the control of the great puppeteers. Whether it is soaring gas prices, a fluctuating economy, or shifts in political power; secret entities of elite caliber are the masterminds behind all world affairs. These expert manipulators covertly gather behind closed doors and make decisions that affect the lives of every human being on the face of the earth. By exploiting political positions, exclusive members of the Trilateral Commission secretly direct, manipulate, and are making advances to eventually control the governments of the world, as a whole. The Trilateral Commission is an American based, political super power that claims to have its interest asserted in shaping and protecting foreign policy. The founder of the Trilateral Commission and chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, David Rockefeller, wrote to the New York Times and said: My point is that far from being a coterie of international conspirators with designs on covertly conquering the world, the Trilateral Commission is, in reality, a group of concerned citizens interested in identifying and clarifying problems facing the world and in fostering greater understanding and cooperation among international allies. (Rockefeller 22.1) It is easy to say that their cause is benevolent, but are there ulterior motives? Is the Trilateral Commission attempting to mold public policy and construct a framework for international stability in the coming decades? Commission members such as David Rockefeller and former President Jimmy Carter are in such influential positions of power that world domination is not far from their clutches. Although a one-world government sounds foolish, it is not far from the truth. The Trilateral Commission describes their organization as a multicultural, transnational including members from Japan, Canada, and various other countries. John B. Oakes of the New York Times commented on the behalf of the Commission?s members: The Trilateral Commission is neither super-government nor secret society. It is rather a loosely defined “think tank,” godfathered by David Rockefeller and nurtured in its early years by Zbigniew Brzezinski. Most of its 250 invited members come from the super-elite of international business, banking, and finance in the developed countries of the West and Japan, with a sprinkling of high-level academics and former officials, a few legislators, and even a stray leader or two. At their periodic closed- door meetings, they debate the economic and political roles of the industrialized democracies. (Oakes A27) This article, which was written in 1980, tells us the commission was founded by David Rockefeller, includes 250 mostly upper class citizens from the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan. It warps the truth by failing to mention that over 90% of the members are American citizens that belong to the Council on Foreign Relations (Road Show of Deception). Council membership is by invitation only, and restricted to American citizens. The Trilateral Commission is an inner circle of Council on Foreign Relations members. A list of 1992 Commission members is contained on a website entitled Road Show of Deception. It contains 337 names, 316 are found on various Council on Foreign Relations membership lists. Another 21 people are either Americans not found on these Council on Foreign Relations rosters, or are European and Japanese members (Road Show of Deception 2). By distorting the truth, the Trilateral Commission clearly manipulates the media into reporting false information to the public so that their hidden agenda can pass by na?ve eyes. The Trilateral Commission capitalizes on political positions to add to their number of influential power-heads. For example, George Wald, an emeritus professor of Biology at Harvard and co-recipient of the 1967 Nobel Prize for Medicine, wrote a letter to the New York Times concerning the Trilateral Commission: An extraordinary fraction of the Carter Administration was drawn from its membership: President Carter himself, Vice President Mondale, Security Advisor Brzezinski, ex-Secretary of State Vance, ex-Secretary of Treasury Blumenthal, Secretary of Defense Brown, Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Deputy Secretary of Energy Sawhill, Federal Reserve Chairman Volcker, Special Assitant Hedley Donovan, Counsel to the President Lloyd Cutler and a scattering of other high functionaries. (All such persons continue to be listed by the Trilateral Commission as “Former Members in Public Service.”) (Wald 14:4). By gaining more and more dynamic men in high places, more power is consumed by the people drawing them in. This combining of power forces consolidates the leaders in world, thus moving closer and closer to an unseen one-world government. In addition, former Senator Barry Goldwater described the Trilateral Commission as ” the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States” (qtd. in Goldwater). The Trilateral Commission is merely an excuse to select the effective and wealthy aristocracy of our time. When the men with the money join the club, they open new doors to seize control of the world market by regulating major commodities such as petroleum, gold bullion, and precious gems. The Trilateral Commission will persevere to gain all major super powers in the world too usher in the completion of their extensive solitary establishment. All around us, there are signs of globalization. Whether we choose to observe them or not is up to us. Through their manipulation, they twist and contort the facts and blind the public into staying content with their “prefect” world when in reality, they have no say in who rules over them. Only until the Trilateral Commission has a single all-powerful government will they stop to absorb the individual leaders of the world. Only until one digs deep into foreign affairs can one discover the secret and elite rulers of our time. As in the words of British Statesman, Benjamin Disraeli, “So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” (Allen 97) Allen, Gary. None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Seal Beach: Concord Press, 1972: 97. Goldwater, Barry. With No Apologies: The Personal and Political Memoir of a United States Senator. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1979. Oakes, B. John. “The Trilateral Way.” New York Times 10 Apr. 1980, A27. Road Show of Deception. 2 Apr. 2000. . Rockefeller, David. Letter. New York Times 25 Aug. 1980, sec.22: 1. Wald, George. Letter. New York Times 19 Aug. 1980, sec. 14: 4.
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