The Necklace Essay Research Paper

“The Necklace” The theme of Guy de Maupassant story “The Necklace” seems to be suggested by the line, “What would have happened if Mathilde had not lost the necklace?”. Mathilde Loisel grew up in poverty and had no expectations in life. When she got married, her and her husband would sit around the dinner table and imagine they were eating a luxurious meal. They would imagine using shiny silverware and eating their meal on marvelous plates. Together, they had nothing. Mathilde had no clothes, no jewels, and only one friend. One day her husband came home from work and handed her an invitation they had received to attend a ball. Her husband thought that she would be enthusiastic about it, however she busted out in tears. She wanted to attend, yet she had no dress to wear. After digging in to money they had been trying to saved, Mathilde purchased a dress for the ball. As the ball drew near, Mathilde decided she still needed something more to finish off the dress they had just spent so much money on. The next day, Mathilde visited her only friend to see if she could barrow some of her jewelry for the evening of the ball. After about an hour of deliberating with her friend about what to jewelry to wear, Mathilde found it. Under all the other pieces of jewelry lied a diamond necklace. Mathilde was ecstatic. Never before had she seen such a beautiful piece of jewelry. She decided this was what she was going to wear. The entire way home she dazzled the necklace. She knew that she would stand out in the crowd at the ball. The night of the ball came and Mithilde looked great. Her and her husband showed up at the ball and everyone was amazed at how good Mithilde appeared. Mithilde was not used to all the attention she received that evening, after all she just a poor young lady. The evening ended and everyone went home. Mithilde decided that one last time she would look at herself in the mirror before getting out of the clothes. When she did, she noticed the necklace in which she admired so much was gone. Weeks went by and no trace of the necklace showed up. Mithilde and her husband had to borrow thirty-six thousand francs from people they knew to buy another just like it. Mithilde put the new necklace in a box and gave it to her friend. Her friend never looked in the box, so she did not know the necklace was not the same she let Mithilde borrow. Mithilde and her husband were deeply in debt. For ten years they worked day in and day out until finally the debt was paid off. Mithilde looked as if she was a very old lady, however she was not. One day Mithilde was walking in a park and stumbled across a lady walking with a child. When she took a second glance at the lady, she noticed it was her friend, in which so long ago let her borrow the diamond necklace. When she approached the long time friend, the lady did not even recognize who it was. After moments of conversing, Mithilde decided to tell her friend of the incident that happened so long ago concerning the necklace. Her friend was appalled to hear of it and told Mithilde that the necklace that she let her borrow was only paste. It was only worth at most five hundred francs. No one really knows what would have happened if Mithilde would have been honest with her friend to begin with and told her about the problem. All the ten years that Mithilde and her husband spent working to pay back for the necklace, they could have been using that money to better themselves. The point the author was trying to get to the reader was that you should be honest. If you are not, then you may have a harder problem on your hands in the end. In Mithildes case, she did not want to tell her friend of losing the necklace in fear that her friend would betray her. Her consequence for not telling her friend was working everyday for ten years. Honesty in the present will get you further in the future.