Paper As I sit here listening to it fall on my window sill I feel a shade of darkness come over me. I walk outside to feel it falling on me. As I life my face towards the heavens to feel it falling on me I have this dark feeling of dred. For me, rainy days and nights make me feel sad inside. I get depressed and want to stay in the house in bed. Whenever it rains I usually come downstairs and look out the window, only to see if my car is still in front of my door. As I stare at the sky, I think to myself, it’s going to rain all day. But still, I thought, the sun could shine anyway, bringing with it the spring flowers that smell so lovely, the green grass, the blue sky, and the white clouds. Oh well, just a thought. I close my curtains and go back upstairs, I get back into bed and try to sleep. Sleep eludes me because I am thinking about things like life death, and money. It begins to pour and as the rain falls harder and hevier, I feel myself begining to fall asleep. Rain is like life, it comes and stays a while. Rain is like death, when it’s time to stop it knows. Rain is also like money, when you have a lot of it, it pours. I dream of the day when the rain will go away, but until that day, I will listen to its drops on my window pane. Bibliography None needed
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