When The Birds Hit The Windows Essay

, Research Paper On November 24th, 1999, the man that lived in the second house on the other side of the river took out his rifle and shot himself. I want to tell you about it; about the things that are going on that could push a man to such an act. I can also tell you about that man’s brother, who died in September, 1999, at age fifty-four, from a ruptured blood vessel in the frontal lobe of his brain. And about his twenty-two year old son who died in an unexplained accident two weeks later. And of the grandfather, now in care for the heart attack that followed his son’s suicide. I can’t tell you about that son’s experiences as I’m not fully informed on them; but, I can tell you about mine, just a few miles down the road. What I’m about to describe falls into the appalling and the incredible. The kind of data that is gratefully dismissed and that one thankfully ascribes to mental phenomena, reassured that some specialty or another claims to ‘understand’ it and can even do something about it. Until it happens to you. The first thing I took note of, in early 1998, was a visual disturbance in my right eye. A wiggling shimmer; an occasional ’spark’ in the space before me; the sudden increase in brightness of whatever I was looking at with that eye. Then I noticed a crystaline form on my line of sight, like a small lens. Solitary, spiritual, and open to all types of communications, I quickly moved through surprise, fear, discomfort, interest, and, finally, acceptance. I got used to this ‘little lens’ a few inches from my eye. I got used to the morphing visual effects it created. I integrated it into my paintings, my walks in the woods, my life. Soon, other things were added: I could hear a high-pitched whining sound and my ears would often ‘click’ or pop; I felt tired, so much so that when I lay down, I’d drop into a deep unconsciousness that didn’t hear even the big farm tractors driving in the hay wagons not twenty feet from the house. Then I’d often feel painful, needle-sharp jabs into my fingers, especially when I was sitting on the couch, in the same space for some time. Occasionally, my legs and feet got jabbed too, and an odd sensation of “pulsing” on the surface of the skin would start on my stomach, my shoulders, my neck, my head, and any points of contact with whatever my body was touching. Walking across the kitchen one day, I got shoved hard from behind. I avoided the hot wood stove, barely. After that, there were many incidents of “shock wave” type, especially directed at my head. When I was working with knives or tools, shock waves would hit my hands. After a fresh surgical incision was smashed open against a door frame, needing a fast ride to emergency, I learned to focus my full attention on what I was doing. Gone the relaxing, soothing motions of sweeping or raking: the simplest task demanded concentration, with pain the penalty for me, and damage or breakage the penalty for objects. I woke from a nap, in the fall of 1998, my skin burning and prickling, feeling scalded. This happened several times. In a few weeks I was barely able to move, weakened by diaarhea, my gums and privates bleeding, my skin peeling, my hair falling out in large amounts each time I brushed it, my face and abdomen bloated and digestion iffy at best. In those two weeks, I had lost ten pounds. Strange to feel so sick, yet have no fever, no cold symptoms and no name-able illness. It seemed to pass, whatever it was. Not much later, I woke one morning with a large and painful hole in my gum, going deep under the tooth. Several rinses a day with iodine and salt in warm water got the ‘infection’ under control, but the sore left a deep and sensitive scar. The birds had started hitting the windows with dismaying frequency, even with the glass soaped to eliminate reflections. The squirrels regularly missed their jumps and fell to the ground, stunned. I watched a chipmunk run for a hole in the shed door, big enough for a groundhog to go through. He missed and smashed into the thick wood. By June, 1999, most of the usual small wildlife had left the area and many of the field flowers were gone. As were the butterflies and the ladybugs, the snakes and the toads that worked my organic garden. In the garden itself, for the second year in a row, my carrot and lettuce crops failed to germinate and the cucumbers that did grow gave a poor and misshapen crop. Light aircraft flying low over the area eight to ten times a day, from February and on through the summer, dropped bands of particles, five or six inches wide, separated by gaps of about half an inch. The foliage got increasingly shiny and rain formed very large, iridescent drops that glittered in even the faintest light. A slick liquid appeared on everything at ground level, like a fine silicone lubricant. On the skin, it created a teflon-like coating that penetrated eyes, ears, sinuses, throat and that wouldn’t come off with soap or detergent. This skin got very hot very fast when exposed to sunlight, painfully so. Above the blocked sinuses, temple-area “hot spots” formed. In June, 1999, new elements were added: a freaky, and frightening, “drilling” aimed at the sinuses and the palate; and, a noticeable increase in the electro-magnetic charge at ground level, felt as a tingle on the lower legs. The electrical charge in the house went way up, tripping ground fault circuit interrupt outlets to the “off” position with nothing plugged into them; creating surges in operation of anything that was on; and, turning the air in the kitchen into a blue haze of electromagnetic charge. I got very ill from this, my heart beating at an impossible rate and my brain trying to push its way out that temple-area hotspot. Chemical bonds in the house were broken by the charge and everything became gummy. The many paintings in my studio lost their surface shine, stripped of the polymers and resins that give pigments their glow. My neighbour down the road became ill with a disabling vertigo that took months to get under medical control. Another neighbour and their four children got coated with this stuff: gummy when wet, waxy when dry, and impossible to fully remove. Green food colouring stained the “teflon’d” areas, which we got down to that last unremovable coat with yogourt scrubs. We hid the horror under a game of “green skinned people” for the children’s sake. I used ice to cool my temple-area “hot spots”; the kids used bags of frozen peas. At the end of June, 1999, I was tracked while visiting away from my home, by a man in a deep royal blue van. A circular radar-like antenna rotated on the roof of the van. I went into the woods and lay down in a wet, swampy hollow. I was soon found. For four hours, some sort of scanner was used on the front of my body, leaving red marks in splotchy patterns, and burns where the beam was focused more strongly. I came out of the woods after the arrival of a search party moved the tracker off. I gave a full report to the police officer present and was taken to emergency in an ambulance. At the mention of the word “laser”, I was shunted off to emergency-room observation.. No physical examination was done. The next day, I was seen for a first-time evaluation by the hospital psychiatrist, who after less than ten minutes, with still no physical examination, announced the great advances made in modern medicine which enabled him to prescribe a medication which would protect me from lasers and energies of all kinds. (Risperdal – which I refused). One can airily dismiss subjective phenomena; one cannot so easily obfuscate motor vehicles, with or without rotating antennas. The interpretation of the marks on my body as “poison ivy” was proven wrong the next morning, when the blotches were gone and only the burns remained. At my insistence, a physical examination of my face was done and the points of pain left by the piercing of the sinuses and palate were located and elicited an uncontrolled pain response. Since then, repeated electromagnetic pulsings have destroyed my jaw tendons and ligaments, created pathways for bacterial penetration into my sinuses resulting in two major infections needing antibiotic treatment and created a cyst at the point of damage, chipped the underside of a molar necessitating its extraction, and kept my body in a state of high electromagnetic charge necessitating a constant alertness, repeated electrical grounding and frequent ice packs to lower the temperature of the crown and temple area hotspots. All these actions increase and intensify when I succeed in getting the information out and in alerting people to what is going on. And I can tell you about all the research I’ve done looking for how and why and what; looking for realities that explain my actualities; about finding out that there are thousands of people all over the world who are living similar realities. How appalling and incredible, yet still real, the capabilities and easy availabilities of lasers, laser scanners, infrared remote viewing by satellite, ultrasound fault detection equipment that can be used to create shock waves and bubbles of air in tissues, electromagnetic pulsers, remote generation of gamma radiation by lasers, remote equipment that can increase electrical flow in house outlets and charge up objects and people, extremely low frequency signals that bring anesthesia at 700 Hertz and death at lower frequencies, and more, much more. How appalling and incredible that these would be used against humanity for any reason, yet how very real that there are always elements in a society that do exactly that. That such activities require extensive funding and wide collusion, even if achieved by infiltration, is obvious. That modern technology permits these actions from anywhere on the planet to anywhere on the planet is more than frightening. Another young man committed suicide in August, 1999. Before he hung himself, he told a friend that there was no-one who could help him because there was no-one who would believe him, and he, himself, couldn’t do anything. Neither of these suicide victims knew about lasers, or the internet or research sites and documented similar occurences elsewhere. Neither had heard of “psychotronics”, or Psy-ops, or “non-lethal weapons”. They didn’t know you can buy a “Black Widow” or a “Miranda” or a “Lifeguard” on the open market and use them to turn another’s intestines to mush, blind him, make him see things and hear things. That you can use a construction industry ultrasound fault detection scanner to kill another, or create shock waves to push him around. About the whining, clicking and popping produced in the ears by infrasound and ultrasound. About the devastating effects of increased electromagnetic charge in the body. May the hell of not-knowing be replaced by factual reports and public awareness. Then maybe the birds that hit the windows won’t be your friends, your neighbours, your family, or your self.