Would You Please Smoke Outside Essay Research

Paper Jonathan Denney T. Huddleston English Comp. II 10-04-99 Would You Please Smoke Outside! While eating dinner at El Ranchito an acrid plume of smoke wafts over my table causing my eyes to water and my nose to become congested. Once again another inconsiderate smoker has ruined a nice meal. Second-hand smoke is both a danger and a discomfort to non-smokers, and should be banned in public facilities. Medical research has proven that second-hand smoke creates a higher risk of cancer and respiratory distress in non-smokers. Children who are frequently exposed to cigarette smoke are at a greater risk for infections. They are also sick more often than other children. Cigarette smoke also plays havoc with some peoples allergies and sinuses. When I am around a concentrated amount of smoke my sinuses immediately plug up, and I cannot breathe easily the rest of the day. Smokers may argue that they have a right to smoke, and this freedom is being taken away by not allowing them to smoke indoors. Smokers also believe they should not have to brave the elements to satisfy their addiction, and non-smokers should leave the facility if they do not like the smoke. I agree with smokers that our rights are slowly being taken away by an oppressive federal government. I also understand that smoking is legal, but I do not condone the harming of others by second-hand smoke just so a few smokers can smoke indoors. In conclusion, I respect our freedoms, but smoking should not be allowed in public buildings. Protecting our health and the health of our children is important, that is why I am in favor of a nation wide ban on smoking in public facilities.