Zulu And Indians Essay Research Paper Zulu

Zulu And Indians Essay, Research Paper Zulu and Indians (Asian Indians): Zulu (KwaZulu): A small independent tribe in the North Western Africa. According to oral history, the name Zulu was first heard round about 1620 s. India (Hindustan): Land of ancient civilization, with Cities and villages, located in the South East Asia. Purpose: To compare and contrast the key differences between the cultures, rituals, ideas of punishment and justice, of the above mentioned countries in order to answer the question, What is Morality? What factors consitutes towards morality in these societies ? In order to sustain life, every living species has to follow a certien course of action required by its nature Morality is the understanding of the way of life. It is generally recognized that intelligence is the commodity that gives us humanity power over all. What is not understood is the dependence of this facility on a foundation of unquestioned values and morals. Human values, values learned, understanding values and moral reasoning only emphasize. Without them no life can exist. Within the human sub-cutlures across the earth there is a chaotic mixture of personal behaviuor systems. All descended from ancient tribal cultures and are based on opinion, conjucture, spirituality, philosphy, and other forms of dogma. Since the bases of these behavioral systems are variable, the resulting behaviors are also variable. Acceptable behavior in one sub-culture is often viewed with loathing by another. What are normal standards of behaviour in one culture may be viwed with critisism in another. To denouce another culture for having moral principles different from ours is to enagage in a dangerous sort if intolerance, for maorality is not absolute. According to Solomon Asch (Social Psychology), people in different cutlures arrive at different moral judgements, not because they have differernt views about the nature of morality, but because they have different views about the nature of reality. Although moral disagremment is widespread, we do seem to be making moral progress. We have abolished salvery, given women the right to vote, and made tuna dolphins tuna safe. What happens when we look at a culture that has kept a low profile from the rest of the world, that has kept no ties with anyone outside their culture, and then compare it with the a nation that has one of the oldest civilization the world. The result, a vast diffenece between them emerges, in terms of beliefs, norms, tradition, and morality. For the purpose of this disscussion, we refer to the Zulu tribe wihtin the heart of Africa and compare it with one of the leading nations of southeast Asia, India. In order to get a better understanding of the nature of the topic, it would be useful to know a little background information about these two cultures. Zulus: Zulu identity in Africa is historical, not static. What it means to be Zulu has changed over time, and means differernt things to different people today.